Hernia mesh


Non Absorbable, Polypropylene mesh. 
For the Repair of Hernia and Other Deficiencies in the Fascia.

  • Bio compatible
  • Flexible, strong, elastic & transparent mesh.
  • Ideal porosity for high visibility & colonization.
  • High strength & burst resistance for permanent support.
  • Flexible for any anatomic placement
  • No shrinkage-provides long term material stability.
  • Thinner mesh available on request for Laparoscopic surgery.
  • OEM brands available.
  • Extremely economical.
  • European Market Trend
    The European market trend for polypropylene prosthesis is to implant it by endoscope route, more precisely laparoscopic route, in about 60% of the operations.
    The polypropylene mesh material currently accounts for almost 80% of sales world-wide.
    Polypropylene mesh is the most recommended material for hernia repair.
    Polyester material is not recommended at all in incision hernia repair. See reference article from archives of surgery 1998; 133:378-382 title: Long-term complications associated with prosthetic repair of incision hernias.

    A hernia is a protrusion of an organ (or part of an organ) through its containing wall. Before a hernia can form, there must be a weakness at the containing wall (commonly of abdominal muscles). The weakness may be congenital or it may be acquired.

    At the site of a hernia, a bulge is noticeable, that can contain fat, intestine or other tissue. This bulge can be either reducible, meaning that the fat or tissue can be pushed back into the abdominal cavity and the hernia will flatten and disappear, or non-reducible, which means the fat or tissue cannot be pushed back into the abdomen and the hernia will not flatten.

    In the latter situation the risk of strangulation occurs, which can lead for instance to constipation, blood in the stool, fever, vomiting or shock. These symptoms require immediate medical attention.

    Hernias are classified as follows:

    Inguinal Hernia.
    Occurs in the groin (area between the abdomen and the thigh). It is called "inguinal" because the intestines push through a weak spot in the inguinal canal, which is a triangle-shaped opening between layers of abdominal muscle near the groin.

    Epigastric Hernia.
    A linear Alba hernia protrudes anywhere between the xiphoid process and the umbilicus, but usually in the mid line between these two structures.

    Umbilical Hernia.
    An umbilical hernia is a small hole in the abdominal wall at the umbilicus (belly button).

    Femoral Hernia.
    A femoral hernia is a loop of the intestine or intestinal covering that has been forced out of the abdomen through a channel called the "femoral canal" ( a tube shaped passage at the top of the front of the thigh).

    Incisional Hernia.
    Incisional hernias develop in 3.8 – 11.5% of cases after abdominal surgery. 90% of incidence occurs within 3 years of operation.

    An open hernia repair requires an incision about the length of the bulge that is present. The tissue layers are divided until the hole is identified. The tissue around the hole is dissected to find good, strong, healthy tissue, known as fascia. The fascia is the fibrous layer that provides the strength to the abdominal wall. The hole is then closed, either by suturing together the good strong tissue on either side of the hole or by applying a Polypropylene Mesh across it to patch the hole. Following the repair, the layers of the tissue are brought back together with sutures and the skin is closed with stainless steel staples, dissolvable or non-dissolvable sutures.
    It is contraindicated in infants, children, pregnancy or persons with future growth potential, as this product will not stretch significantly.
    Is contraindicated in contaminated or infected wounds as infection may require removal of the mesh.
    It is provided as a sterile product. Re-sterilization of the device is NOT recommended.
    Kollsut USA rejects any responsibility regarding the use of fixation devises which do not follow the recommended guidelines for this type of product.
    Avoid direct contact with the viscera intestines to avoid the possibility of adhesions.
    Handling of Hernia Mesh should be with sterile technique and avoid any contact with cutting or sharp instruments since it can damage the mesh.
    A minimum of 7mm of mesh should extend beyond the suture line.
    Adverse Reaction
    No side effect due to use of polypropylene mesh is known.
    Complications that may occur due to implantation of any surgical mesh include, but are not limited to, infection, inflammation, fistula formation, extrusion and adhesion formation (when placed in direct contact with the intestine).
    Instructions for Use

    It is recommended that staples, suture clips or non-absorbable sutures be placed 0.7mm to 1.2mm from the edge of the Mesh material for best results.

    SIETKA ™ PLUS - PP/PGA COMPOSITE HERNIA MESH - Partially absorbable mesh

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